Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish. This week's list was your top ten quotes from books you read in the past year.

Station Eleven

"Hell is the absence of people you long for"

The Scorpio Races
"There are moments that you'll remember for the rest of your life and there are moments that you think you'll remember for the rest of your life, and it's not often they turn out to be the same moment.”


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
“But she needs me more than she needs him and I guess being needed is almost as good as being loved. Maybe better.”  


Far from the Madding Crowd
“She was of the stuff of which great men's mothers are made. She was indispensable to high generation, feared at tea-parties, hated in shops, and loved at crises.”

The Distant Hours
“All true readers have a book, a moment when real life is never going to be able to compete with fiction again.”

Shadow Scale (Seraphina, #2)

“Haven't you always been more than yourself? Haven't we all? We are none of us just one thing.”

The Age of Innocence
“His whole future seemed suddenly to be unrolled before him; and passing down its endless emptiness he saw the dwindling figure of a man to whom nothing was ever to happen.”

Quintana of Charyn (Lumatere Chronicles, #3)
“Then she was laughing. They both were, and the savage teeth were the most joyous sight Phaedra had seen for a long time. It was as if they were dancing. There it was. Suddenly the strangeness of Quintana of Charyn's face made sense. Because it was a face meant for laughing, but it had never been given a chance.”

Finnikin of the Rock (Lumatere Chronicles, #1)
"When she reached him, she bent to kneel in respect for the Mont Leader. Horrified, Saro pulled her to her feet in the same way Sir Topher had once reacted when Evanjalin tried to kneel at Trevanion's feet. Sir Topher knew, Finnikin realized, had always known. A queen never bent to her people."

Froi of the Exiles (Lumatere Chronicles, #2)
“It wasn't the high-pitched purity in Quintana's voice, nor the fact that she recalled every word in a sad song she had heard only once today in the caves of the Citavita, sung in a language she had never known. It was that he knew that voice, had dreamed it over and over again in a lifetime of rot and misery, and Froi wanted to weep. For he knew he would break his bond to his queen not just with his body but also with his heart.” 

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